Page name: kitten caboodle [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-14 20:03:31
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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(credit for the banner photo goes to t3h Squee, or [sequeena_rae])


Kitten Caboodle

Brought to you by [Linderel]

It's a photography contest, the subject matter being one of the most infernally adorable things on Earth... kittens! Whether the little furball is yours, your friend's, or your neighbour's, it never fails to charm its surroundings perfectly. Cute as only baby animals can be, they steal your heart before you even know it.

1. Photos must be taken by you.
2. No photomanipulations, apart from slight brightness/contrast tweaks and adding of borders.
3. Up to five (5) entries per participant allowed - each picture counts as one entry.
4. Have fun!

Three (3) winners will be selected by a public poll. All winners will receive a badge.

Deadline is November 30th. So get out your cameras and go chase the kitties!

Contest closed! Poll up at Kitten Caboodle Voting.

Poll has been closed, the winners are here!

1st place: [sequeena_rae] with entry nr 19, titled 'Je t'aime'
2nd place: [Archeress of Mirkwood] with entry nr 18, titled 'CatFish?'
3rd place: [Keii] with entry nr 3, titled 'Whiskers'

Congratulations, and thank you to everyone for participating!

Entries here, divided by the <hr> line.

1. 'Black Kittens' by [Kelaria]
My dad dragged me to a winery (something he loves, but is boring for me) only to find he would have to drag me away from these adorable black kittens!! <3 ^^

2. 'Trisana the Triscuit' by [Kelaria]
My close friend Brittany got a new kitten in August and named her Trisana! She is soo sweet and adorable! Mostly we call her Trisana or Tris, but when she gets extremely hyper and crazy, Brittany calls her the Triscuit! :P

3. 'Whiskers' by [Keii]

4. 'Focus me baby' by [sequeena_rae]
A little experiment on focusing on one part of Smokey's body. This fits right? It's still a cat xD

5. 'Everyones cat' by [sequeena_rae]
Joe, a cat at lacock Abbey in Wiltshire. A very loving cat who let everyone pick him up <3

6. 'The evil miss kitty!' by [Blasphemy]
Linny is the best and I am happy to enter her contest! :P

7. 'Sleeping Diddle' by [Kelaria]
My baby Tiger! She has more nicknames than I can count! But one of my favorites is Diddle! I call her Diddle a lot and she always perks her ears up when I do! It's so sweet! I miss her like crazy while I'm away, but my sister lets me talk to her on the phone, so I'm surviving! <3

8. My boy...My pimp by [Angelic nightmares]
His name is Lysander, and he was my boy. Sadly in the end, we had to get rid of him, because our landlord decided to get a bug in her butt, and said "no cats"

9. 'Alert' by [sequeena_rae]
No contest I enter in can never be completed without a picture of my darling baby boy. So here he is; Lucius! <3333

10. 'Yin and Yang' by [Estantia]
These are the mittens Merlin and Archer, the box is around the size of Merlin's belly now though... Can you see why we were considering calling them Yin and Yang?

11. 'What?' by [Estantia]
This is Archer of the mittens again, doing a perfect example of the innocent and clueless expression we all love so much.

12. 'Sassy!' by [Synirria]
Awww look at my pretty kitty!!!! I love her so much...She has such an attitude!

13. Blueberry Eyes by [Willow Rose]
One of the kittens that died this summer... It's a cute picture, but sadly, the quality is horrid.

14. Beef Cake by [Forever Equine]
This is Biff.=) He's one of Ralph's barn cats and is like my baby. He follows me everywhere and I seem to be the only person he likes. I absolutely love his mint colored eyes!

15. 'Rawr!' by [Keii]

16. Sleeping Beauty by [Willow Rose]
My pretty little Sleeping Beauty sound asleep on my bed.

17. Skunk by [Willow Rose]
This kitten just looked weird... He was black, except his rear end had white all over it. We called him Skunk. But when he got older, the white went away.

18. 'CatFish?' by [Archeress of Mirkwood]
This is [Jericho Kitty] playing in a fish bowl. He's actually playing with his adopted sister [Snuggy Buggy].

19. 'Je t'aime' by [sequeena_rae]
Lucius again, his posture reminds me of how he was as a kitten, cute and innocent. He's still cute, but hardly innocent anymore :P Tweaked in brightness for his fur and the red of the bed, and added a border and words ^^

20 'Reflections" by [Archeress of Mirkwood]
[Snuggy Buggy] in front of a mirror smiling.

Baby Switters

Baby Soso

so silly. ^^

24. [sequeena_rae]
Finally, a picture of Lucius when he was still technically a kitten :3 Taken early this summer :P

25. [Teufelsweib]
A stray Kitten in Rome. strays there are fed and taken care by some people, people in Rome have to pay for their wellbeing! like a tax, for the stray kittens ^^

26. [Jitter]

Our new kitty ^^

27. [H3_six]
Photo of my cat Cinder, as a kitten, getting into the christmas spirit.

28. 'Wrestlemania' by [Archeress of Mirkwood]
[Super Cali the Brave Calico Cat] and her brother, Bobble, settle their differences in the squared ring. (Squared-ring is a term used in wrestling and boxing reffering to the confines of the ropes surrounding the mat and ringposts.)

29. 'CatSitter' by [Archeress of Mirkwood]
This photo requires a little explainatoin, and the best way to do that is to show the second photo. This is Poptart sitting in the sink... the second photo will tell the rest.

30. [*micky*] 'Killer cat'

31. [*micky*] 'peekaboo'

32. [Mirime] 'Spoiled!'
Bink will always be my baby :)

33. [blu.nation]

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2006-10-30 [Kelaria]: My first two entries are definitely kittens, but my third is my 9-year-old kitty... though she's still a baby kitten to me *is a protective mommy* ^_^

2006-11-02 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: I don't remeber how old [Snuggy Buggy] is in that pic, I think she still was a kitten, but she always acts like a kitten.

2006-11-02 [Linderel]: Jitter - one picture per one entry! :P

2006-11-02 [Jitter]: oh ok sorry! /blames the flu

2006-11-02 [Linderel]: Ebil flu. >:o

2006-11-02 [Jitter]: Aye!

2006-11-03 [Tingis]: what's the maximum age for a cat to enter ? :p

2006-11-03 [sequeena_rae]: One I'm assuming :P

2006-11-03 [Tingis]: okay that's frustrating my cat is so small and adorable boohoohoo but she's 8.

2006-11-03 [Linderel]: Whatever is the age when a cat is no longer a kitten. I'll trust Squee on this, one year. I'm only a cat admirer, and not an owner, so I don't know this stuff. :P

2006-11-03 [sequeena_rae]: Teehee :3

2006-11-07 [H3_six]: I swear [Kelaria] those two cats are the doppleganger of mine, when they where small. So cute. Everythings cute, too much cuteness for one page infact. If you're not careful it will implode on you. *phwooop* (Implosions are funny when you attach that sound effect : D)

2006-11-07 [Kelaria]: :D hehe! I know what you mean! I just cant handle the cuteness sometimes!!!!! ^___^ :D

2006-11-08 [sequeena_rae]: I found a photo of Lucius whilst he was a kitten :D Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

2006-11-08 [Linderel]: =^____^=

2006-11-08 [sequeena_rae]: Bit crap, but it was the best one :3

2006-11-12 [Kelaria]: I like Rome now :3 ^_^ yay! Take care of the kittens :D :D

2006-11-12 [Teufelsweib]: they had this huge gathering point filled with stray cats and baskets for them to sleep in ^^

2006-11-12 [Estantia]: aw....

2006-11-12 [Kelaria]: Awwww!! That's sooo cute!!! :D

2006-11-13 [sequeena_rae]: Aww [Jitter]!!!

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